Are you spending too much money to keep old data at the ready? Answer four questions to see if cold storage (archiving) is a better (cheaper) practice.
All tagged Cloud computing
Are you spending too much money to keep old data at the ready? Answer four questions to see if cold storage (archiving) is a better (cheaper) practice.
On the face of it, all cloud providers kind of seem the same. But they aren't. Here are some conversation starters to help you find the provider who'll be the right fit for your business.
Cloud speak. It's a language all its own. You'll need at least a few terms under your belt to talk to your provider. Here's a starter glossary.
Few things are 100 percent foolproof, but business takes it on chin when the Internet laces up the gloves.
Windows 10 has arrived and a lot of people are rushing to be in the first wave of installs. Should you be one of them? What you should know about the W10 upgrade.
Did your computer crash on National Backup Day? Maybe not, but the odds are not in your favor. Some simple steps can help you be prepared to get your data back.